Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 9th

Day 9.

Saturday's for me are filled with cleaning.  Even though Brian thinks I sit around and watch TV most the day that isn't true.  I will admit that I don't start cleaning right when I wake up, I am just not wired that way.  I need time to "wake up".  I do get around to my cleaning but it is usually in the afternoon when I do it.  I not really a morning person and I get my steam going in the afternoon.

I am so excited for Brian, Friday was his last day at his job and on Tuesday he starts his new job.  He is very excited to be going into a different field.  The most important thing about the new job is the hours and he will have weekends off again.  (He would only get every other Saturday.)  It warms my heart when he is happy about something and I just know that this was a good move for him.
Right now we are watching the ASU game and they are doing great!  I have cheer for the Sun Devils because my Dad went to ASU and so did Brian. 
Have a good night ladies!


Sherri said...

COngrats to hubby on the new job!

I am the same way about mornings and cleaning. I need time to wake up too!

Christina said...

I agree about needing time to wake up before I start cleaning....

Congratulations for you and your husband on his new job - sounds exciting!

Janice said...

Good Luck to Brian and his new job! I hope we will be celebrating that next week too for my hubby! :)

Tricia... I have a certain way I like to wake up too! It's all good! LOL

Karen said...

Congrats to Brian on the new job!

Enjoy your weekends together.