Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd

So day three of the challenge and I'm a litle late getting my post up but today was Brian's day off and we did some chores around the house and then we watched a little football.  We also took a nap today too. I love a lazy Sunday.  I also did some reading today. I have started reading the Sue Grafton novels.  I finished A is for Alibi.  I really liked, it was a fast read. I started on the next book in the series, B is for Burglar.  So far so good, I am only on chapter 3.  According to Brian all I read is vampire books but that is not true, I love a good mystery novel as well as some horror books too but only when I am in the mood for a scare.

Now a question for all you ladies doing our little challenge.  Brian and I were discussing house chores today, usually I wait until the weekend to do all my house work how do you handle all your chores? Do you do something everyday so that your weekend is not filled with so much cleaning or are you like me do you do it all on the weekend?  Every week I keep saying I am going to do a little bit each day so that I can have more free time during the weekend but I just end up doing it like I always do. 

I will leave you with a few pictures that I took in May. Brian and I took a spur of the moment trip to the Lake Pleasant and had a picnic.  We took our chocolate Lab Cletus with us. It was such a fun afternoon.



Karen said...

Great photos!

I start my laundry on Thursday when I get home from work so usually by Friday night it's done. Also, I never go to bed without having the kitchen clean. It just works for me and then I never wake up to a messy kitchen. Hope that helps. I would love to have magic powers and snap my fingers and things would be clean.

Christina said...

I usually do some cleaning everyday. I don't work so thankfully I have time during the week. We usually don't do any cleaning on the weekends except for some yard work and outdoors stuff.

Christina said...

I usually do some cleaning everyday. I don't work so thankfully I have time during the week. We usually don't do any cleaning on the weekends except for some yard work and outdoors stuff.

Sherri said...

With three boys in the house...I am cleaning everyday! Laundry everyday too!